Broce, Alberto

Manhattan Kansas 66506-4004 Phone: 785-532-4745 Fax: 785-532-6232 abroce@ksu.eduArea(s) of Specialization:
Biology, ecology, behavior, and management of insects and other arthropod pests of livestock
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Bio Brief
Overall research responsibilities fall under the descriptive title of “Ecology, Biology, and Control of Insects Affecting Man and Animals”. Major research interests are with flies of veterinary importance, especially stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), face flies (Musca autumnalis), house flies (M. domestica), and horn flies (Haematobia irritans). In addition, conduct research on cat fleas (in cooperation with Dr. Michael Dryden, School of Veterinary Medicine). Studies with stable flies include their short and long distance dispersal or migration; their feeding mechanism (functional morphology of mouthparts) and saliva properties and functions; attractancy and trapping with Alsynite plastic; breeding habitats and populations under urban environments; how their presence in urban areas creates conflicts between urbanites and livestock producers; and sources of these flies affecting pastured cattle. Research with face flies includes the adaptive significance of puparial calcification; various behavioral components of diapause, including survival and feeding during diapause; selection of hibernacula. Related fly studies include the oviposition behavior of parasites of filth flies; health hazards of electrocutor insect traps ("bug zappers") due to the production of airborne insect particles and how these particles are capable of carrying bacteria and viruses. Research on the cat flea comprises trapping, insecticide resistance, dynamics of the carpet microhabitat, evaluation of control strategies, and the role of urban wildlife as cat flea reservoirs. Currently investigating the biology of the itch mite Pyemotes herfsi, an introduced species from Europe and the cause of bite outbreaks on humans throughout the Midwestern U.S.
A.G.R , PanAmerican Agricultural School, Honduras, CA, 1962B.S. Entomology, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1965
M.S. Entomology, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1967
Ph.D. Entomology, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1971
My major research interests are with flies of veterinary importance, especially stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrns), face flies (Musca autumnalis), house flies (M. domestica), and horn flies (Haematobia irritans).
Pyemotes Itch Mite - information that was presented at the ESA annual meeting, Salt Lake City Utah, 2004
In addition, I conduct research on cat fleas (in cooperation with Dr. Michael Dryden). Research on cat fleas comprises trapping; insecticide resistance; dynamics of the carpet microhabitat, evaluation of control strategies.
Studies with stable flies include their short and long distance dispersal (or migration?); their feeding mechanism (functional morphology of mouthparts) and saliva properties and functions; attractancy and trapping with Alsynite plastic; breeding habitats and populations under urban environments; how their presence in urban areas creates conflicts between urbanites and livestock producers; and sources of these flies affecting pastured cattle
Face Flies Research with face flies includes the adaptive significance of puparial calcification (a protection against oviposition by hymenopteran parasites); various behavioral components of diapause (they overwinter as adults in reproductive diapause), including survival and feeding during diapause; selection of hibernacula (they overwinter in same buildings year after year). Related fly studies include the oviposition behavior of parasites of filth flies; health hazards of electrocutor insect traps ("bug zappers") as they create airborne insect particles capable of carrying pathogenic bacteria.
Ameri, M., X. Wang, M.J. Wilkerson, M.R. Kanost and A.B. Broce. 2008. An immunoglobulin binding protein (Antigen 5) of the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) salivary gland stimulates bovine immune responses. Journal of Medical Entomology 45: 94-101.
Mramba, F., A.B. Broce and L. Zurek. 2007. Vector competence of stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans L. (Diptera : Muscidae), for Enterobacter sakazakii. Journal of Vector Ecology 32: 134-139
Broce, A.B. and J. Kalish. 2007. Oak leaf itch mite. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service MF-2806
Mramba, F., A. Broce and L. Zurek. 2006. Isolation of Enterobacter sakasakii from stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans L. (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Food Protection 69(3): 671-673
Sirigireddy K.R., Kennedy G.A., Broce A., L. Zurek, R R Ganta. (2006). High prevalence of West Nile virus in Kansas: An increased risk in acquiring infection from a mosquito bite. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases (in press).
Ahmad, A., A. Broce, and L. Zurek. 2006. Evaluation of significance of bacteria in larval development of the secondary screwworm, Cochliomyia macellaria (F.) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Journal of Medical Entomology 43(6): 1129-1133
Broce, A.B. 2006. Ectoparasite Control. In: Stocker Cattle Management - Veterinary Clinics of North America-Food Animal Practice 22: 463-474. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia.
Broce, A.B., L. Zurek, J. Kalisch, R. Brown, D. Keith, D. Gordon, J. Goedeke, C. Welbourn, J. Moser, R. Ochoa, E. Azziz-Baumgartner, F. Yip & J. Weber. 2006. Pyemotes herfsi (Acari: Pyemotidae), a mite new to North America as the cause of bite outbreaks. J. Med. Entomol. 43: 610-613.
Romero, A., A. Broce and L. Zurek. 2006. Role of bacteria in the oviposition behaviour and larval development of stable flies. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 20(1): 115-121
Szalanski, A.L., C.B. Owens, J.A. Lewter and A.B. Broce. 2006. Genetic structure of Aedes vexans (Diptera : Culicidae) populations from central United States based on mitochondrial ND5 sequences. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99(1): 157-163
Scoles, G.A., A.B. Broce, T.J. Lysyk, and G.H. Palmer. 2005. Relative efficiency of biological transmission of Anaplasma marginale (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) by Dermacentor andersoni Stiles (Acari: Ixodidae) compared to mechanical transission by the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)(Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 42: 668-675
Szalanski, A.L., C.B. Owens, J.A. Lewter and A.B. Broce. Genetic structure of Aedes vexans (Diptera: Culicidae) populations from central United States based on mitochondrial ND5 sequences. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99: 157-163
Broce, A.B., Hogsette, J. and S. Paisley. Winter feeding sites of hay in round bales as major developmental sites of stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) in pastures in Spring and Summer. Journal of Economic Entomology 6: 2307-2312
Hansen, G., Goedeke, J., Broce, A., Lewis, L., Backer, L., Azziz-Baumgartner, E., Rubin, C. and Yip, F. 2005. Outbreak of pruritic rashes associated with mites - Kansas 2004. Morb. Mort. Wkly Rpt. CDC 54: 952-955
Dowell, F.E., A.G. Parker, M.Q. Benedict, A.S. Robinson, A.B. Broce & W.A. Wirtz. 2005. Sex separation of tsetse fly pupae using near-infrared spectroscopy. Bulletin of Entomological Research 95:249-257
Broce, Alberto B., DeRouchey, Joel M., Harner, Joe P. and Zurek, Ludek. 2005. Managing Stable Fly Production at Pasture Feeding Sites. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Bulletin MF 2662
McKay, T., and A.B. Broce. 2004. Discrimination of self-parasitized hosts by the pupal parasitoid Muscidifurax zaraptor (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 97: 592-599.
Mowery, S.V., J.F. Campbell, M.A. Mullen, and A.B. Broce. 2004. Response of Oryzaephilus surinamensis (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) to food odor emanating through consumer packaging films. Environmental Entomology 33: 75-80.
McKay, T., and A.B. Broce. 2003. Response of Muscidifurax zaraptor (Hymeoptera: Pteromalidae) to the olfactory stimuli from hosts and their habitat. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 76: 31-37
Bossard, R.L., M.W. Dryden, and A.B. Broce. 2002. Insecticide susceptibilities of cat fleas (Siphonapter: Pulcidae) from several regions of the United States. Journal of Medical Entomology 39: 742-746.
Bossard, R.L. and A.B. Broce. 2002. Evaluation of glass, nylon fabric and filter paper as substrates in insecticide bioassays of cat fleas (Siphonoptera: Pulicidae). Journal of Entomological Science 37: 182-192.
Mowery, S.V., M.A. Mullen, J.F. Campbell, and A.B. Broce. 2002. Mechanisms underlying sawtoothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.)) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) infestation of consumer food packaging materials. Journal of Economic Entomology 95: 1333-1336.
Swist, S.L., Wilkerson, M.J., Wyatt, C.R., Broce, A.B., and Kanost, M.R. 2002. Modulation of bovine lymphocyte response by salivary gland extracts of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 39: 900-907.
Perez-Mendoza, J., F.E. Dowell, A.B. Broce, R.A. Wirtz, F. Xie, J.E. Throne, and J.E. Baker. 2002. Chronological age-grading of flies by near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Medical Entomology 39: 499-508.
Bossard, R.L., A.B. Broce, and M.W. Dryden. 2000. Effects of circadian rhythms and other bioassay factors on cat flea (Pulicidae: Siphonaptera) susceptibility to insecticides. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 73: 21-39.
Miller, R.J., M.W. Dryden, A.B. Broce and D.R. Suiter. 2000. Pupation site selection of cat fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) in various carpet types and its influence on insecticide efficacy. Journal of Economic Entomology 93: 1391-1397.
Khattak, M.K., A.B. Broce, and B. Dover. 2000. Repellency and residual effect of neem or mineral oil on the distribution and oviposition of maize weevil,Sitophilus zeamais. Motsch. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 3:2131-2143.
Khattak, M.K., A.B. Broce, and B. Dover. 2000. Egg development inhibition and ovipositional deterrence of neem or mineral oil on maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais. Motsch. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 3: 1910-1913.
Urban, J.E. and A. Broce. 2000. Killing of flies in electrocuting insect traps releases bacteria and viruses. Current Microbiology 41: 267-270.
Dowell, F.E., A.B. Broce, F. Xie, J.E. Throne, and J.E. Baker. 2000. Detection of parasitized fly puparia by near-infrared spectroscopy. J. Near Infrared. Spectr. 8: 259-265.
Broce, A.B. and M.S. Haas. 1999. Relation of cattle manure age to colonization by stable fly and house fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 72: 60-72.
Miller RJ, Broce AB, Dryden MW, and Throne JE . 1999. Emergence, survival, and fecundity of adult cat fleas (Siphonaptera : Pulicidae) exposed as pupae to juvenile hormone mimics. Journal of Medical Entomology 36: 776-779.
Miller, R.J., A.B. Broce, M.W. Dryden, and T.L. Hopkins. 1999. Susceptibility to IGRs and cuticle deposition of the cat flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) as a function of age. Journal of Medical Entomology 36: 780-787.
Urban, J.E. and A. Broce. 1998. Flies and their bacterial loads in greyhound dog kennels in Kansas. Current Microbiology 36: 164-170.
Reinhold, K., M.D. Greenfield, Y.W. Jang, and A. Broce. 1998. Energetic cost of sexual attractiveness: ultrasonic advertisement in wax moths. Animal Behaviour 55: 905-913.
Burks, C.S., D.W. Hagstrum, K.E. Hampton, and A.B. Broce. 1997. Crystallization temperature and chilling injury during overwintering in a feral face fly (Diptera: Muscidae) population. Environmental Entomology 26: 1124-1130.
McPheron, L.J. and A.B. Broce. 1996. Environmental components of pupariation-site selection by the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Environmental Entomology 25: 665-671.
McPehron, L.J. and A.B. Broce. 1995. Influence of environmental factors on the wandering phase and pupariation in stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans larvae. Physiological Entomology 20: 337-342.
Szalanski, A.L., W.C. Black and A.B. Broce. 1995. Esterace staining activity in pyrethroid-resistant horn flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 68: 303-312.
Dryden, M.W., A.B. Broce and W.E. Moore. 1993. Severe flea infestation in dairy calves. Journal of the American veterinary medical association, 203: 1448-1452.
Broce, A.B. 1993. Dispersal of house flies and stable flies. pp. 50-60 in: "Rural flies in the urban environment?". G.D. Thomas & S.R. Skoda, Eds. Proc. Symp. at Entomol. Soc. Amer. meetings, San Antonio TX, Dec. 1989. North Central Regional Res. Publ No. 335. Univ. Nebr. Res. Bull. no. 317.
Broce, A.B. 1993. Electrocuting and electronic insect traps: Trapping efficiency and production of airborne particles. Intl. J. Environ. Health Res. 3: 47-58.
Dryden, M.W. and A.B. Broce. 1993. Development of a trap for collecting newly emerged Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonoptera, Pulicidae) in homes. Journal of Medical Entomology 30: 901-906.
Giangaspero, A. and A.B. Broce. 1993. Micromorphology of the prestomal teeth and feeding-behavior of Musca autumnalis, M. larvipara and M. osiris (Diptera: Muscidae). Medical and Veterinary Entomology 7: 398-400.
Broce, A.B., J.R. Schwenke, and K.E. Hampton. 1991. Landing pattern of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on the alsynite cylinder trap - effect of wind-speed and direction. Journal of Medical Entomology 28: 730-733.
Johnson, G.D., J.B. Campbell, H.C. Minocha, and A.B. Broce. 1991. Ability of Musca autumnalis (Diptera, Muscidae) to acquire and transmit bovine herpesvirus-1. Journal of Medical Entomology 28: 841-846.
Lenssen, A.W., S.L. Blodgett, R.A. Higgins, T.G. Nagaraja, G.L. Posler, and A.B. Broce. 1990. Cantharidin decreases in vitro digestion of alfalfa and smooth bromegrass. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 32: 413-416.
Elzinga, R.J. & A.B. Broce. 1988. Hypopi (Acari: Histiostomatidae) on house flies (Diptera:Muscidae): A case of detrimental phoresy. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 61:208-213.
Broce, A.B., M.J. Grodowitz, and J.G. Riley. 1988. Effect of the ionophore lasalocid on face fly (Diptera, Muscidae) larval survival and physical and chemical parameters of cattle feces. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 61: 471-476.
Wooten-Saadi, E., F. Blecha, J.S. Stevenson & A.B. Broce. 1988. Influence of sarcoptic mange and ambient temperature on lymphocyte blastogenic responses and serum cortisol of pigs. Amer. J. Vet. Res. 49:1555-1559.
Broce, A.B. 1988. An Improved alsynite trap for stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera, Muscidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 25(5) 406-409.
Krueger, R.A., A.B. Broce, T.L. Hopkins & K.J. Kramer. 1988. Calcium transport from Malpighian tubules to puparial cuticle of Musca autumnalis. J. Comp. Physiol. (B). 158:413-419.
Grodowitz, M.J., A. Broce & L.H. Harbers. 1987. Characteristics of dung that affect Musca autumnalis (Diptera: Muscidae) larval survival and puparial mineralization. Environ. Entomol. 16:722-730.
Byford, R.L., A.B. Broce, J.A. Lockwood, S.M. Smith, D.G. Morrison, & C.P. Bagley. 1987. Horn fly (Diptera:Muscidae) dispersal among cattle herds. J. Econ. Entomol. 80:421-426.
Broce, A.B. & V.G. Gonzaga. 1987. Effects of substituted benzylphenols and alsystin on the reproduction of the face fly (Diptera:Muscidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 80:37-43.
Grodowitz, M.J., C.R. Roseland, K.K. Hu, A.B. Broce & K.J. Kramer. 1987. Mechanical properties of mineralized and sclerotized puparial cuticles of the flies Musca autumnalis and M. domestica. J. Exp. Zool. 243:201-210.
Wooten-Saadi, E., A.B. Broce, J.S. Stevenson & J.L. Nelssen. 1987. Growth performance and behavioral patterns of pigs infested with sarcoptic mites (Acari: Sarcoptidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 80:625-628.
Krueger, R.A., A.B. Broce & T.L. Hopkins. 1987. Dissolution of granules in the Malpighian tubules of Musca autumnalis DeGeer, during mineralization of the puparium. J. Insect Physiol. 33:255-263.
Grodowitz, M.J., A.B. Broce & K.J. Kramer. 1987. Morphology and biochemical composition of mineralized granules from the Malpighian tubules of Musca autumnalis DeGeer larvae (Diptera:Muscidae). Insect Biochem. 17:335-345.
Wooten, E.L., F. Blecha, A.B. Broce & D.S. Pollmann. 1986. The effect of sarcoptic mange on growth performance, leukocyte and lymphocyte proliferative responses in pigs. Vet. Parasitol. 22:315-324.
Berry, I.L., A.K. Nelson & A.B. Broce. 1986. Effects of weather on capture of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) by Alsynite fiber glass traps. Environ. Entomol. 15:706- 709.
Elzinga, R.J. & A.B. Broce. 1986. Labellar modifications of Muscomorpha flies (Diptera). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 79:150-209.
Van Geem, T.A. & A.B. Broce. 1986. Fluctuations in the protein and carbohydrate content of the crop correlated to periodicities in ovarian development of the female face fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 79: 1-6.
Van Geem, T.A. & A.B. Broce. 1985. Significance of cattle discharges and secretions as protein sources for ovarian development in the face fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Environ. Entomol. 14:60-64.
Broce, A.B. 1985. Myiasis producing flies. pp 83-100. In: Livestock Entomology. Williams, R., R.D. Hall, A.B. Broce, and P. Scholl, Eds. John Wiley, NY. 335 p.
Roseland, C.R., M.J. Grodowitz, K.J. Kramer, T.L. Hopkins & A.B. Broce. 1985. Stabilization of mineralized and sclerotized puparial cuticle of muscid flies. Insect Biochem. 15:521-528.
Harvey, T.L., J. Brethour & A.B. Broce. 1984. Loss in effectiveness of insecticide ear tags for horn fly (Diptera:Muscidae) control. J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 57:715-717.
Broce, A.B. & R.J. Elzinga. 1984. Comparison of prestomal teeth in the face fly and house fly (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Med. Ent. 21:82-85.
Harvey, T.L., J.R. Brethour & A.B. Broce. 1983. Horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae) control on cattle with insecticide ear tags attached to backrubbers and dust bags. J. Econ. Entomol. 76:96-98.
Grodowitz, M.J. & A.B. Broce. 1983. Calcium storage in face fly larvae (Diptera: Muscidae) for puparium calcification. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 76:418-424.
Van Geem, T.A., A.B. Broce & R.D. Moon. 1983. A system for physiological age-grading of female face flies, Musca autumnalis DeGeer. Bull. Kans. Expt. Sta. No. 643. 23 pp.
Grodowitz, M.J., J. Krchma & A.B. Broce. 1982. A method for preparing soft bodied larval Diptera for scanning electron microscopy. J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 55:751-753.
Snow, J.W., J.R. Coppedge, A.B. Broce, J.L. Goodenough & H.E. Brown. 1982. Swormlure: Development and use in detection and suppression systems for adult screwworm (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 28:277-284.
Mackley, J.W. & A.B. Broce. 1981. Evidence of a female sex recognition pheromone in the screwworm fly. Environ. Entomol. 10:406-408.
Broce, A.B. 1979. Sexual behavior of screwworm flies stimulated by Swormlure-2. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 73:386-389.
Broce, A.B., J.L. Goodenough & J.W. Snow. 1979. Recovery of screwworm flies released at various distances and directions of the attractant Swormlure-2. Environ. Entomol. 8:824-828.
Broce, A.B., R.B. Davey & J.W. Snow. 1979. Plastic wicks as dispensers of the screwworm attractant, Swormlure-2. J. Econ. Entomol. 72:115-118.
Coppedge, J.R., J.L. Goodenough, A.B. Broce, F.H. Tannahill, J.W. Snow, M.M. Crystal & H. D. Petersen. 1978. Evaluation of the screwworm adult suppression system (SWASS) on the island of Curacao. J. Econ. Entomol. 71:579-584.
Broce, A.B. & J. Ideker. 1978. Oleander flowers as insect traps. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 71:628-629.
Coppedge, J.R., A.B. Broce, F.H. Tannahill, J.L. Goodenough, J.W. Snow & M.M. Crystal. 1978. Development of a bait system for suppression of adult screwworms. J. Econ. Entomol. 71:483-486.
Guillot, F.S., H.E. Brown & A.B. Broce. 1978. Behavior of sexually active male screwworm flies. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 71:199-201.
Broce, A.B., J.L. Goodenough & J.R. Coppedge. 1977. A wind oriented trap for screwworm flies. J. Econ. Entom. 70:413-416.
Lugo, A.E., G. Evink, M.M. Brinson, A.B. Broce & S.C. Snedaker. 1975. Diurnal rates of photosynthesis, respiration, and transportation in mangrove forests in South Florida. In: Tropical Ecological Systems: Trends in terrestrial and aquatic research. -F.B. Golley & E. Medina, Eds. pp 335-350. Springer-Verlag, N.Y.
Olarte E., W., R. Reyna, P. Ittycheriah, A. Castillo, and A.B. Broce. 1974. Toxic and sterilizing effects of some combinations of apholate and tepa on Musca domestica (L.). Agrociencia. 18:15-26.
Federici, B. & A.B. Broce. 1971. Graduate training in Entomology: Departments of Entomology in School or Colleges of Agriculture. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 17:255-258.
Cromroy, H.L., R. Levy, A.B. Broce & L. Goldman. 1971. Radio-sensitivity of animal species. In: Symposium on Nuclear Warfare and Agricultural and Livestock Production. D.W. Bensen, and A.H. Sparrow, Eds. p. 419-433.