Department of Entomology
Entomology is the study of insects, but also embraces the study of other Arthropods, including spiders, ticks, and mites. Arthropods are the most diverse and abundant macro-organisms on earth, and have a great impact on us throughout our lives.

Discover the world of arthropods!
We compete with insects for our food, and there is an emphasis in our department on protecting crops from insect attack in the field and after harvest to help provide safe and healthy food to mankind. Arthropods also transmit numerous serious diseases to humans (malaria, Lyme disease, West Nile virus, Leishmaniasis, and many more), and we address how transmission occurs and how to stop it to foster global human health.
Arthropods provide great insights into our place on the planet and the vast diversity of life and how it developed. Our department is addressing the great diversity of arthropods, and how the myriad life histories have evolved in ecological and historical contexts, helping us know how to protect and conserve our world for generations to come.
For information on how to manage insect pest problems visit our Entomology Extension web pages that contain links to current topics, publications, newsletters, 4-H and youth programs, and more.