Chandler, Andrea Ray

Bio Brief
I received my BSc in Horticulture from KSU, and have particular interests in behavior and teaching, specificially how various organisms (be they insects or students) perceive, learn and utilize the resources they need in their environments. As a gardening author/instructor, my focus is on teaching gardeners how to assess their needs and what sorts of plant materials would fulfill those needs. My Masters program in entomology involves using different observational techniques to examine how a desireable native butterfly and exotic pest aphids interact with their necessary resources. In addition to research I also tutor diverse students in biology subjects. My goal is to become a science instructor, with an interest in the design of teaching environments.
B.S. Horticulture, Kansas State University, 2002M.S. Entomology, Kansas State University, 2005
Working with Dr. Charlton, I am doing behavioral observations on the regal fritillary Speyeria idalia (Drury) to determine larval foraging strategies in relation to the host plant dispersion patterns, and if adult nectar resources or the presence of violets are potential cues for landscape level oviposition decisions. This rare native butterfly is found only in undisturbed prairie ecosystems, and is thus considered to be an indicator species. A better understanding of how they interact with their environment is important for making good management decisions for the remaining prairie fragments.
Working with Drs. Reese and Smith, I am doing behavioral observations on the Russian wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia Mordvilko using the DC Electrical Penetration Graphing (EPG) electrophysiological technique to measure the responses of biotype 1 to host and nonhost lines of wheat, which will then be correllated Dr. Boyko's work on the genetic expression of host plant resistance.
Author: Growing Great Vegetables in the Heartland - available from
Regular contributor to Kansas City Gardener Magazine