Harvey, Tom L.

Wheat and sorghum resistance to insects, transmission of plant viruses by arthropods
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Bio Brief
- Plant Resistance to Insects
- Transmission of Wheat Viruses
B.S. Entomology, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS,M.S. Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS,
Ph.D. Entomology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK,
- Collaborative projects designed to develop wheat and sorghum resistant to insects and mites. This research is in cooperation with plant breeders, plant pathologists, and other entomologists with financial support primarily from Kansas Commodity Commissions.
- The identification and evaluation of wheat curl mite biotypes as expressed in response to plant resistance is a major component of the research effort. Results for 2002-2004 includes the release of Stanton, a top yielding Russian wheat aphid-resistant wheat cultivar, and the release of five biotype I greenbug resistant sorghum A/B lines.
Siefers, D.L., J.J. Martin, T.L. Harvey, J.P. Fellers, J.P. Stack, M. Ryba-White, S. Haber, O. Korkhin, V. Spicer, N. Lovat, A. Yamchuk and K.G. Standing. 2008. Triticum mosaic virus: a new virus isolated from wheat in Kansas. Plant Disease 92: 808-817
Siefers, D.L., T.J. Martin, T.L. Harvey and S. Haber. 2007. Temperature-sensitive wheat streak mosaic virus resistance identified in KS03HW12 wheat. Plant Disease 91: 1029-1033.
Seifers, D.L., T.J. Martin, T.L. Harvey, S. Haber, and S.D. Haley. 2006. Temperature and sensitivity and efficacy of Wheat streak mosaic virus resistance derived from CO960293 Wheat. Plant Disease 90: 623-628.
Kofoid, KD. and Harvey, T.L. 2005. Registration of greenbug resistant sorghum germplasm lines KS 116 A/B through KS 120 A/B. Crop Science 45:802-803
Seifers, D.L., T.L. Harvey, T.J. Martin, S. Haber, Y.M. She, W. Ens, K.G. Standing, R. Salomon, and A. Gera. 2005. Association of a virus with wheat displaying yellow head disease symptoms in the Great Plains. Plant Disease 89: 888-895
Jiang, W., K.A. Garrett, D.E. Peterson, T.L. Harvey, R.L. Bowden, and L. Fang. 2005. The window of risk for emigration of Wheat streak mosaic virus varies with host eradication method. Plant Disease 89: 853-858
Harvey, T.L., D.L. Seifers, T.J. Martin and J.P. Michaud. 2005. Effect of resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus on transmission efficiency of wheat curl mites. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 22: 1-6
Seifers, D.L., She, Y.M., Harvey, T.L., Martin, T.J., Haver, S., Ens, W., Standing, K.G., Louie, R. and Gordon, D.T. 2004. Biological and molecular variability among High Plains virus isolates. Plant Disease 88: 824-829.
Harvey, T.L., Martin, T.J. and Seifers, D. 2003. Effect of Roundup Ready (R) wheat on greenbug, Russian wheat aphid, (Homoptera : Aphididae) and wheat curl mite, (Acari : Eriophyidae). Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 20:203-206.
Malik, R., Brown-Guedira, G.L., Smith, C.M, Harvey, T.L. and Gill, B.S. 2003. Genetic mapping of wheat curl mite resistant genes Cmc3 and Cmc4 in common wheat. Crop Science 43: 644-650.
Malik, R., Smith, C.M., Brown-Guedira, G.L., Harvey, T.L. and Gill, B.S. 2003. Assessment of Aegilops tauschii for resistance to biotypes of wheat curl mite (Acari: Eriophyidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 96: 1329-1333.
Harvey, T.L., Martin, J.T., and Seifers, D.L. 2003. Resistance to the wheat curl mite (Acari: Eriophyidae) prevents loss in wheat yield. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 20: 7-10.
Siefers, D.L., Harvey, T.L., Louie, R., Gordon, D.T., and Martin, T.J. 2002. Differential transmission of isolates of the High Plains virus by different sources of wheat curl mites. Plant Disease 86: 138-142.
Harvey, T.L., Martin, T.J. and Seifers, D.L. 2002. Wheat yield reduction due to wheat curl mite (Acari: Eriophyidae) infestations. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 19: 9-13.
Martin, T.J., Sears, R.G., Seifers, D.L., Harvey, T.L., Witt, M.D., Schlegel, A.J., McCluskey,P.J. and Hatchett. J.H. 2001. Registration of 'Trego' wheat. Crop Science 41: 929-930.
Forster, R.L, Seifers, D.L., Strausbaugh, C.A., Jensen, S.G., Ball, E.M. and Harvey, T.L. 2001. Seed transmission of the High Plains virus in sweet corn. Plant Disease 85: 696-699.
Harvey, T.L., Seifers, D.L. and Martin, J.J. 2001. Host range differences between two strains of wheat curl mites (Acari: Eriophyidae). Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 18: 35-41.
Kindler, S.D., Harvey, T.L., Wilde, G.E., Shufran, R.A., Brooks, H.L. and Sloderbeck, P.E. 2001. Occurrence of greenbug biotype K in the field. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 18: 23-34.
Kofoid, K.D. and Harvey, T.L. 2000. Registration of seven biotype I greenbug resistant restorer germplasm lines of sorghum. Crop Science 40: 1510-1511.
Harvey, T.L., Siefers, D.L., Martin, T.J., Brown-Guedira, G. and Gill, B.S. 1999. Survival of wheat curl mites on different sources of resistance in wheat. Crop Science 39: 1887-1889.
Harvey, T.L., Wilde, G.E. and Kofoid, K.D. 1997. Designation of a new greenbug, Biotype K, injurious to resistant sorghum. Crop Science 37: 989-991.
Dixon, A. G. O., P. J. Bramel Cox, J. C. Reese, and T. L. Harvey. 1990. Mechanisms of resistance and their interactions in twelve sources of resistance to biotype E greenbug (Homoptera: Aphididae) in sorghum. J. Econ. Entomol. 83:234-240.
Aslam, M., G.E. Wilde and T.L. Harvey. 1990. Monitoring flight activity of sunflower moth (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) in Kansas. Environmental Entomology 19: 1639-1645
Bramel Cox, P., A. G. O. Dixon, J. C. Reese, and T. L. Harvey. 1986. New approaches to the identification and development of sorghum germplasm resistant to biotype E greenbug. Proc. 41st Ann. Corn Sorgh. Indust. Res. Conf. 1-16.