Opit, George

Bio Brief
Please visit my home page for a complete list of research projects and publications.
Please visit my home page for a complete list of research projects and publications.
Please visit my home page for a complete list of research projects and publications.
Opit, G.P., J. Perret, K. Holt, J.R. Nechols, D.C. Margolies and K.A. Williams. 2009. Comparing chemical and biological control strategies for twospotted spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in commercial greenhouse production of bedding plants. Journal of Economic Entomology 102:336-346.
Holt, K.M., G. Opit, J.R. Nechols, D.C. Margolies and K.A. Williams. 2007. Comparing chemical and biological controls trategies for twospotted spider mites in mixed production of ivy geranium and impatiens. HortTechnology 17: 322-327
Chen, Y., G.P. Opit, V.M. Jonas, K.A. Williams, J.R. Nechols, and D.C. Margolies. 2007. Twospotted spider mite population level, distribution, and damage on ivy geranium in response to different nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization regimes. Journal of Economic Entomology 100: 1821-1830
Opit, G.P., G.K. Fitch, D.C. Margolies, J.R. Nechols and K.A. Williams. 2006. Overhead and drip-tube irrigation affect twospotted spider mites and their biological control by a predatory mite on impatiens. Hortscience 41: 691-694.
Holt, K.M., G.P. Opit, J.R. Nechols, and D.C. Margolies. 2006. Testing for non-target effects of spinosad on twospotted spider mites and their predator Phytoseiulus persimilis under greenhouse conditions. Experimental and Applied Acarology 38: 141-149
Opit, G.P., Chen, Y., Williams, K.A., Nechols, J.R. and Margolies, D.C. 2005. Plant age, fertilization, and biological control affect damage caused by twospotted spider mites on ivy geranium: development of an action threshold. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 130: 159-166.
Alatawi, F.J., G.P. Opit, D.C. Margolies, and J.R. Nechols. 2005. Within-plant distribution of twospotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) on impatiens: developing a presence-absence sampling plan. Journal of Economic Entomology 98:1040-1047
Opit, G.P., J.R. Nechols, D.C. Margolies, and K.A. Williams. 2005. Survival, horizontal distribution, and economics of releasing predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) using mechanical blowers. Biological Control 33:344-351.
Opit, G. P., J. R. Nechols, and D. C. Margolies. 2004. Biological control of twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), using Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseidae) on ivy geranium: assessment of predator release ratios. Biological Control 29: 445-452.
Opit, G.P., Jonas, V.M., Williams, K.A., Margolies, D.C. and Nechols, J.R. 2001. Effects of cultivar and irrigation management on population growth of the twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae on greenhouse ivy geranium. Experimental and Applied Acarology 25: 849-857.