Zhu, Lieceng

Bio Brief
Molecular mapping and categorization of wheat genes expressing resistance to the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)Education
Ph.D. Entomology, Kansas State University, 2005Research
My research is comprised of two interrelated projects. The first project focuses on molecular mapping of greenbug resistance genes in newly identified wheat germplasms. In this project, I have mapped six greenbug resistance genes Gbx, Gbz, Gba, Gbb, Gbc and Gbd in wheat accessions KS89WGRC4, KSU97-85-3, as well as synthetic wheat lines TA4152L94, TA4152L24, TA4063L1 and TA4064L2, respectively. My second project focuses on resistance categorization of wheat lines KS89WGRC4, KSU97-85-3, Largo and TAM110 to biotype K greenbug feeding. I am trying to answer the following questions in this study:
- Do categories of resistance express differently in response to different biotypes of greenbug feeding?
- How does genetic background of wheat affect resistance categories?
Zhu, L., X. Liu, L. Liu, R. Jeannotte, J. C. Reese, M. Harris, J. J. Stuart, and M.-S. Chen. 2008. Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) attack causes dramatic shift in carbon/nitrogen metabolism in wheat. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 21: 70-78.
Liu, X., J. Bai, L. Huang, L. Zhu, X. Liu, N. Weng, J. C. Reese, M. Harris, J. J. Stuart, and M.-S. Chen. 2007. Gene expression of different wheat genotypes during attack by virulent and avirulent Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) larvae. J. Chem. Ecol. 33: 2171-2194.
Voolthuluru, P., J.Y. Meng, C. Khajuria, J. Louis, L.C. Zhu, S. Starkey, G.E. Wilde, C.A. Baker and C.M. Smith. 2006. Categories and inheritance of resistance to Russian wheat aphid (Homoptera : Aphididae) biotype 2 in a selection from wheat cereal introduction 2401. Journal of Economic Entomology 99: 1854-1861
Zhu, L., C.M. Smith, A. Fritz, E.V. Boyko and B.S. Gill. 2005. Inheritance and molecular mapping of new greenbug resistance genes in wheat germplasms derifved from Aegilops tauschii. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111: 831-837.
Zhu, L., C. M. Smith, and J. C. Reese. 2005. Categories of resistance to greenbug (Homoptera: Aphididae) biotype K in wheat lines containing Aegilops tauschii genes. J. Econ. Entomol. 98: 2260-2265.
Zhu, L.C., C.M. Smith, A. Fritz, E.V. Boyko and M.B. Flinn. 2004. Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a wheat gene conferring tolerance to the greenbug (Schizaphis graminum Rondani). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109: 289-293.