raw meat with some aromatics


Cultivating awareness and resilience against alpha-gal syndrome.

Kansas State University is actively supporting efforts to cultivate awareness and resilience against AGS– Alpha-Gal Syndrome – a potentially life-changing allergy to red meat and other mammal-derived products, triggered by a bite from the lone star tick.

This page provides essential AGS knowledge and useful links, and we are committed to improving it with unique and valuable new information for AGS patients.

research survey that says $25 for taking the survey

We need feedback to help us understand the struggles of Kansas who battle Alpha-gal syndrome (Red Meat Allergy) in their counties!

blocks saying q&A

For any questions and suggestions, please email Alexandra "Paige" Tegeler at aptegeler@ksu.edu

Watch our listening session

Learn about our funded project - Cultivating Awareness and Resilience Against Alpha-Gal Syndrome (AGS) in Rural Kansas.