Raymond A. Cloyd - Trade Journal Articles


Cloyd, R. A. November 2021. New pesticides for use in greenhouse production systems.

GrowerTalks 85(7): 66-68.

Cloyd, R. A. November 2021. Insidious flower bug. Greenhouse Product News 31(11): 14-15.

Herrick, N. J., and R. A. Cloyd. October 2021. Effect of product handling and distribution on

biologicals’ success. Greenhouse Product News 31(10): 32-33.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2021. Six poinsettia pests and how to overcome them. Greenhouse

Management 41(9): 10-13.

Cloyd, R. August 2021. Fight bugs with bugs. Cannabis Business Times 7(8): 40-43.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2021. Axe aphids with biological controls. Cannabis Business Times 7(7):


Cloyd, R. A., and N. J. Herrick. July 2021. Sanitation: insect pest management in greenhouses.

GrowerTalks 85(3): 78-81.

Cloyd, R. July 2021. Perennial pest management fundamentals. Greenhouse Management

41(7): 70-76.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2021. The rove beetle. Greenhouse Product News 31(7): 14.

Cloyd, R. A. June 2021. Widespread ‘scale.’ American Fruit Grower/Western Fruit Grower

141(6): 17.

Cloyd, R. A. June 2021. Pesticide resistance revisited. GrowerTalks 85(2): 60-62.

Cloyd, R. 2021. Pine needle scale. Christmas Trees 46(4): 24.

Cloyd, R. A., and N. J. Herrick. April 2021. Entomopathogenic nematodes were effective

against western flower thrips on chrysanthemum plants, but not in gerbera flowers, under greenhouse conditions. The Cut Flower Quarterly 33(2): 22-24.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2021. 5 tips for managing pests on outdoor hemp. Hemp Grower 3(4): 14-16.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2021. Tips on managing mealybugs. Greenhouse Product News 31(4): 14.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2021. Change it up. GrowerTalks 84(10): 48.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2021. Most commonly misidentified insect and mite pests in the

greenhouse. Greenhouse Canada 41(2): 34-37.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2021. Releasing multiple biological control agents. Greenhouse Product

News 31(1): 18-19.

Herrick, N. J., and R. A. Cloyd. December 2020. Effect of growing media on common greenhouse pests.

Greenhouse Product News 30(12): 16-18.

Cloyd, R. A. November 2020. Biological control agents for whiteflies. Greenhouse Product News

30(11): 16-17.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. R. Chase. September 2020. How to integrate biopesticides and manage resistance.

Greenhouse Management 40(9): 68-69.

Cloyd, R. A. August 2020. Host feeding by parasitoids. GrowerTalks 84(4): 58-60.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2020. Win the fight against hemp russet mites. Cannabis Business Times 6(7): 36-38.

Cloyd, R. A. June 2020. Honeydew: what is it? GrowerTalks 84(2): 64-65.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2020. Revisiting broad mite. Greenhouse Product News 30(7): 14-15.

Cloyd, R. 2020. Spruce spider mite. Christmas Trees 46(3): 16-17.

Cloyd, R. 2020. Nantucket pine tip moth and pine tortoise scale. Christmas Trees 46(2): 28-29.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. R. Chase. June 2020. Choose wisely—how pesticide mixtures can help in resistance management. Nursery Management 36(6): 7-11.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. R. Chase. June 2020. How pesticide mixtures can help in resistance management.

Greenhouse Management 40(6): 7-11.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. R. Chase. March 2020. Developing rotation programs for arthropods and plant

pathogens. Greenhouse Management 40(3): 34-36.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2020. Are XXpire and Altus neonicotinoids? Greenhouse Product News 30(4): 12.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2020. Ryanodine receptor modulators—IRAC group 28. Greenhouse Product News 30(1): 14-15.

Cloyd, R. A. November 2019. What are the “new” pesticides for use in greenhouse production systems?

Greenhouse Product News 29(11): 16.

Cloyd, R. A. October 2019. Box tree moth. Nursery Management 35(10): 28-29.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2019. Insect growth regulators on fungus gnat larvae & rove beetle adults.

GrowerTalks 83(5): 80-84.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. R. Chase. September 2019. Are they predisposed? Greenhouse Management 39(9):


Cloyd, R. August 2019. 4 tips to maximize biological controls. Cannabis Business Times 5(8): 14.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. R. Chase. July 2019. Chemical evolution. Greenhouse Management 39(7): 76-77.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2019. Biological control agents for western flower thrips. Greenhouse Product News

29(7): 16-18.

Cloyd, R. May 2019. Choose carefully. Greenhouse Management 39(5): 12.

Cloyd, R. May 2019. Choose carefully. Nursery Management 35(5): 12.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2019. Miticides for use in greenhouse production systems. Greenhouse Product News

29(4): 12-13.

Cloyd, R. A. March 2019. Mode of action groups 5 and 6. GrowerTalks 82(11): 66.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. R. Chase. March 2019. What is pesticide resistance? Greenhouse Management 39(3): 28-31.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2019. What are the effects of adjuvants on biological control agents? Greenhouse

Product News 29(1): 16.

Cloyd, R. A. December 2018. What are pesticide metabolites? Greenhouse Product News 28(12): 14.

Cloyd, R. December 2018. Call in the troops. Produce Grower 18-19.

Cloyd, R. December 2018. Battling twospotted spider mite. Greenhouse Management 38(12): 46-48.

Cloyd, R. November 2018. Change it up. Greenhouse Management 38(11): 42-44.

Cloyd, R. October 2018. Meet the rove beetle and the insidious flower bug. Greenhouse Management

38(10): 54-55.

Cloyd, R. October 2018. Repellency of pesticides: impact on natural enemies. Nursery Management

34(10): 60-61.

Cloyd, R. September 2018. Guard your tomatoes. Produce Grower: 16.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2018. What about the effect of fungicides on bees? Greenhouse Product News

28(9): 18.

Herrick, N. J., and R. A. Cloyd. September 2018. Do western flower thrips have a “craving” for vanilla?

GrowerTalks 82(5): 88-92.

Cloyd, R. A., and N. J. Herrick. September 2018. Don’t get foiled by the flea beetle. Nursery

Management 34(9): 26-28.

Cloyd, R. August 2018. Are you unwittingly hurting your predatory insects? Cannabis Business Times

4(8): 26-31.

Cloyd, R. August 2018. How to properly use BtK. Produce Grower: 22-24.

Cloyd, R. August 2018. Repellency of pesticides: impact on natural enemies. Greenhouse Management

38(8): 54-56.

Cloyd, R. July 2018. Miticides & predatory mites. Greenhouse Management 38(7): 52-54.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2018. Water solubility and systemic insecticides. Greenhouse Product News 28(7): 14.

Cloyd, R. June 2018. Mite growth inhibitors: mode of action group 10. Greenhouse Management 38(6):


Cloyd, R. May 2018. Why biological control fails. Greenhouse Management 38(5): 28-32.

Cloyd, R. May 2018. Your insect inspection guide. Cannabis Business Times 4(5): 68-72.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2018. Biological control agents for belowground pests. Greenhouse Product News

28(4): 16.

Cloyd, R. April 2018. Reproductive capacity of insect and mite pests. Greenhouse Management 38(4):


Cloyd, R. March 2018. Selective feeding blockers: mode of action groups 9 and 29. Greenhouse

Management 38(3): 34-36.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2018. The impact of beneficial fungi on natural enemies. Greenhouse Product

News 28(2): 24-25.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2018. Azadiracthin & neem oil. GrowerTalks 81(10): 66-69.

Cloyd, R. February 2018. Stop sweating over pests. Cannabis Business Times 4(2): 38-40.

Cloyd, R. January 2018. The relationship between insects & plant viruses. Greenhouse Management

38(1): 84-86.

Cloyd, R. A. December 2017. Lipid biosynthesis inhibitors (IRAC Group 23). Greenhouse Product News 27(12): 16.

Cloyd, R. December 2017. Understanding insect and mite pest ‘leftovers.’ Produce Grower: 26-28.

Cloyd, R. A. November 2017. A breakdown of aphid parasitoids & predatory mites. GrowerTalks 81(7):


Konjoian, P., and R. Cloyd. October 2017. Outreach education: universities adapt to a changing

landscape and new audience. The Cut Flower Quarterly 29(3): 20-21.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2017. Biological control of aphids using parasitoids. Greenhouse Product News

27(9): 14-15.

Cloyd, R. Fall 2017. Dormant oils. Hobby Greenhouse 39(4): 21.

Cloyd, R. A. Fall 2017. Mealybugs: what can you do? Hobby Greenhouse 39(4): 14-15.

Cloyd, R. August 2017. 5 ways to beat pests. Produce Grower: 24-26.

Cloyd, R. August 2017. 7 strategies to scouting success. Nursery Management 33(8): 60.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2017. Mealybugs: what can you do? GrowerTalks 81(3): 96-100.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2017. Why biological control fails: encapsulation—what is that? Greenhouse Grower

35(7): 64-66.

Cloyd, R. July 2017. Mealybugs and insecticide resistance. Greenhouse Management 37(7): 38-41.

Cloyd, R. A. June 2017. Dealing with broad mite. Greenhouse Product News 27(6): 16.

Cloyd, R. A. May 2017. Steps to avoiding aphids. GrowerTalks 81(1): 82-83.

Cloyd, R. May 2017. Sucking insect basics. Greenhouse Management 37(5): 28-30.

Cloyd, R. April 2017. Shedding the label. Greenhouse Management 34(4): 30-32.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2017. Predatory mites that eat western flower thrips. Greenhouse Product News 27(4): 16.

Cloyd, R. March 2017. Maximize the efficacy of pesticides. Greenhouse Management 37(3): 62-65.

Konjoian, P., and R. Cloyd. February 2017. Outreach education: universities adapt to a changing

landscape and new audience. Greenhouse Product News 27(2): 16-17.

Cloyd, R. January/February 2017. Dormant oils. Garden & Greenhouse 15(1): 45-46.

Cloyd, R. January 2017. Sticky card success. Greenhouse Management 37(1): 40-42.

Cloyd, R. December 2016. Cut down cucumber pest pressure. Produce Grower: 10-13.

Cloyd, R. A. November 2016. Beneficials and biologicals. Greenhouse Product News 26(11): 14.

Cloyd, R. November 2016. 7 strategies to scouting success. Greenhouse Management 36(11): 34-40.

Cloyd, R. October 2016. Protect your peppers. Produce Grower: 27-31.

Cloyd, R. October 2016. Surface-level control. Greenhouse Management 36(10): 44-48.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2016. What impacts the effectiveness of translaminar pesticides? GrowerTalks

80(5): 84-88.

Cloyd, R. A. August 2016. Don’t get “weighed-down” by scales. GrowerTalks 80(4): 70-77.

Cloyd, R. August 2016. Stop aphids by understanding their interactions with plants. Greenhouse Grower

34(8): 71-74.

Cloyd, R. August 2016. Protect your poinsettias. Greenhouse Management 36(8): 24-28.

Cloyd, R. A. August 2016. Testing alternative solutions. Produce Grower: 16-20.

Cloyd, R. A. August 2016. Mosquitoes: how to avoid getting “bitten.” Garden & Greenhouse 14(7): 32-34.

Cloyd, R., and P. Konjoian. July 2016. Meeting the challenges of grower education. Greenhouse Grower

34(7): 20-22.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2016. Effects of pH on pesticides. Greenhouse Product News 26(7): 16-17.

Cloyd, R. June 2016. Twospotted pest pressure. Greenhouse Management 36(6): 32-38.

Cloyd, R. A. May 2016. Selective feeding blockers. Greenhouse Product News 26(5): 14.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2016. Bees and pesticides: an overview. Greenhouse Product News 26(4): 22-27.

Cloyd, R. April 2016. Keep a clean house. Produce Grower: 28-29.

Cloyd, R. April 2016. Help them help you. Greenhouse Management 36(4): 42-46.

Cloyd, R. April 2016. Three ingredients for pesticide success. GardenCenter 22(4): 60-64.

Cloyd, R. March 2016. Don’t let pests prevail. Greenhouse Management 36(3): 30-33.

Cloyd, R. A. March 2016. Pinpoint plant problems. Nursery Management 32(3): 46-50.

Cloyd, R. February 2016. Tomato trouble? Produce Grower: 33-35.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2016. Western flower thrips & resistance. Greenhouse Product News 26(2): 16.

Cloyd, R. January 2016. Three ingredients for pesticide success. Greenhouse Management 36(1): 28-30.

Cloyd, R. January 2016. Lending a helping bug. Greenhouse Management 36(1): 32-36.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2016. Multiple pest complexes: dealing with more than one insect or mite pest.

GrowerTalks 79(9): 92-96.

Cloyd, R. December 2015. Biological control agents guide. Greenhouse Management 35(12): 48-49.

Cloyd, R. December 2015. More than a nuisance. Greenhouse Management 35(12): 50-51.

Cloyd, R. A. November/December 2015. How to improve performance of pesticides: timing, coverage, and frequency. American Rose 43(6): 106-107.

Cloyd, R. A. November/December 2015. Azadirachtin and neem: what is the difference? Garden &

Greenhouse 13(9): 28.

Cloyd, R. December 2015. The case of the growing medium pest. Produce Grower: 16-17.

Cloyd, R. A. November 2015. Explaining azadirachtin and neem. Greenhouse Product News 25(11): 10.

Cloyd, R. November 2015. Sanitation: the first line of defense. Greenhouse Management 35(11): 50-54.

Cloyd, R. October 2015. Using beneficials to stop black vine weevil. Greenhouse Management 35(10): 56-57.

Cloyd, R. October 2015. The case of the crafty caterpillar. Produce Grower: 28-29.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2015. Mixtures & resistance. Greenhouse Product News 25(9): 14.

Cloyd, R. August 2015. The case of the non-growing pest. Greenhouse Management 35(8): 42-43.

Cloyd, R. August 2015. The case of the destroyed fruit. Produce Grower: 28-29.

Cloyd, R. A. June 2015. How “might” you avoid problems with the twospotted spider mite? Greenhouse

Management 35(6): 62-63.

Cloyd, R. A. May 2015. The “sneaky insect pest.” Greenhouse Management 35(5): 38-39.

Cloyd, R. A. May 2015. Insect and mite: bug quiz bowl. Greenhouse Product News 25(5): 10.

Cloyd, R. April 2015. Organic management of spotted wing drosophila. Growing For Market 24(4): 8-9.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2015. PSI’s most wanted: western flower thrips. Greenhouse Management 35(4): 20-21.

Cloyd, R. A. March 2015, New on the market. Greenhouse Product News 25(3): 12.

Cloyd, R. February 2015. A new look at biological control: can plants affect the performance of natural

enemies? Greenhouse Grower 33(2): 26-30.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2015. The case of the sucking pest. Produce Grower: 46-47.

Williams, K. A., and R. A. Cloyd. February 2015. An American perspective: learning about the hydroponics industry down under. Practical Hydroponics & Greenhouses: 21-23.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2015. The case of the damaging larva. Greenhouse Management 35(1): 40-42.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2015. Secrets of the “big bugs.” Pest Control Technology 43(1): 32-40.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2015. Neonic alternatives. GrowerTalks 78(9): 88-92.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2015. Effective biological control : understanding the relationship between natural

enemies and prey. Tree Care Industry 26(1): 38-40.

Cloyd, R. January 2015. Weeding out the weevil. Greenhouse Management 35(1): 34-38.

Cloyd, R. A. December 2014. Agents of control. Produce Grower: 15-16.

Cloyd, R. A. October 2014. Knowing and stopping hungry caterpillars. Produce Grower: 28-29.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2014. The basics of pesticide resistance. Australian Flower Industry 44: 8-9.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2014. Understanding adjuvants. GrowerTalks 78(5): 84-86.

Cloyd, R. August 2014. Small pest, big damage. American Vegetable Grower 62(8): 24-25.

Cloyd, R. A. August 2014. Battling pests with IGRs. Greenhouse Management 34(8): 24-26.

Cloyd, R. A. July/August 2014. Understanding the proper use of adjuvants. Garden and Greenhouse 12(6): 34.

Cloyd, R. July 2014. Suppress those twospotted spider mites. Nursery Management 30(7): 48-51.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2014. Controlling fungus gnats. Greenhouse Product News 24(7): 12.

Cloyd, R. A. June 2014. Suppressing twospotted spider mites. Greenhouse Management 34(6): 50-52.

Cloyd, R. A. June 2014. Stem the spread of rose rosette disease before it’s too late. Fine Gardening 157: 18.

Cloyd, R. June 2014. Systemic insecticides and bees: are we revisiting “Silent Spring?” Greenhouse Grower 32(7): 20-21.

Cloyd, R. June 2014. Protecting veggies from mites. Produce Grower: 20-22.

Cloyd, R. A. May/June 2014. What is insecticide hormoligosis? American Rose 42(9): 63.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. E. Whitfield. April 2014. What you should know about western flower thrips.

Greenhouse Management 34(4): 40-45.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2014. The basics of biologicals. GrowerTalks 77(12): 56-58.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2014. Voracious thrips can be managed. Produce Grower: 29-31.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2014. Systemic insecticides; 1-9 (link below):




Cloyd, R. A. January 2014. Controlling whiteflies. InsideGrower: 30-31.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2014. Suckers from the deep. Greenhouse Management 34(1): 14-16.

Cloyd, R. A., and J. R. Nechols. November 2013. Intraguild predation: disruption of biological control?

Greenhouse Product News 23(11): 12-20.

Cloyd, R. A. October 2013. Pyrethrins & pyrethroids: what’s the difference? GrowerTalks 77(6): 84-88.

Cloyd, R. A. October 2013. Identifying and dealing with aster yellows. Garden and Greenhouse 11(8): 38-39.

Cloyd, R. October 2013. Black vine weevil. Greenhouse Management 33(10): 57-58.

Cloyd, R. October 2013. Caterpillars. Produce Grower: 16-19.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2013. Insecticide hormoligosis. Garden and Greenhouse 11(7): 30.

Cloyd, R. A. September 2013. Insecticide resistance. Greenhouse Canada 33(9): 34-40.

Willmott, A. L., and R. A. Cloyd. August 2013. Mealybugs and systemic insecticides. Greenhouse Product News 23(8): 12-18.

Cloyd, R. August 2013. IGR know-how. Greenhouse Management 33(8): 57-58.

Cloyd, R. A. August 2013. Insect growth regulators. Orchids 82(8): 491-493.

Cloyd, R. A. July 2013. Control of thrips with systemic insecticides. Greenhouse Grower 31(8): 50-52.

Miller, C., R. Cloyd, K. Williams, A. Stevens, M. Kennelly, J. O’Mara, and S. McElwain. July 2013.

Floriculture at Kansas State University. Greenhouse Product News 23(7): 26-32.

Cloyd, R. June 2013. Striking the two-spotted spider mite. Produce Grower: 24-25.

Cloyd, R. A. June 2013. How climate change may affect arthropod pests. American Nurseryman: 14-17.

Cloyd, R. May/June 2013. How insect growth regulators for use in greenhouse production systems work. Ohio Florists’ Association Bulletin 939: 18-19.

Cloyd, R. A. Spring 2013. Effect of pesticide mixtures on the western flower thrips (Frankliniella

occidentalis) associated with cut flowers. The Cut Flower Quarterly 25(2): 24-25.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2013. How long do pesticides last? GrowerTalks 76(12): 66-68.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2013. Lime-sulfur: A broad-spectrum pesticide. Garden and Greenhouse 11(3): 30-31.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2013. The trouble with thrips. Greenhouse Management 32(4): 56.

Cloyd, R. A., and T. D. Anderson. March 2013. Fungus gnats & insecticide resistance. GrowerTalks 76(11): 82-84.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2013. Fungus gnats: the “critters” from below. Greenhouse Management 32(1): 16.

Cloyd, R. A. January 2013. Understanding one of the few insecticides for organic growers. Growing for

Market 22(1): 19.

Cloyd, R. A. November 2012. Reduce destruction. American Vegetable Grower 60(11): 35-36.

Cloyd, R. A. November 2012. Predators and pesticides. Greenhouse Grower 30(13): 6-7.

Cloyd, R. November 2012. Leafminers. Greenhouse Management 31(11): 16.

Cloyd, R. A. September/October 2012. Mealybug & scale management: how can you deal with them? Ohio Florsts’ Association Bulletin 935: 18-20.

Cloyd, R. August 2012. Insect growth regulators. Greenhouse Management 31(8): 15.

Cloyd, R. A. July/August 2012. Rotenone: a botanical insecticide. Garden and Greenhouse 10(7): 34-35.

Cloyd, R. A. July/August 2012. Translaminar pesticides: what can impact effectiveness? Ohio Florists’

Association Bulletin 934: 24-26.

Cloyd, R. July/August 2012. Pesticide resistance: what it is and how to avoid it. American Rose 41(10):


Cloyd, R. A. July 2012. Developing an effective western flower thrips management program. Greenhouse Product News 22(7): 42-48.

Cloyd, R. A., and A. E. Whitfield. July 2012. Insects & diseases: the western flower thrips & INSV

complex. GrowerTalks 76(3): 62-66.

Cloyd, R. May/June 2012. Conserve®: what is the future of this insecticide? Ohio Florists’ Association

Bulletin 933: 25-27.

Cloyd, R. A., and R. Martin. May/June 2012. Timing fungicides and PGRs to control greenhouse pests.

International Pest Control 54(3): 170-171.

Cloyd, R. A., and R. Martin. May 2012. How fungicides & PGRs impact greenhouse pests. Greenhouse

Grower 30(5): 34-40.

Cloyd, R. May 2012. Hard to control. Greenhouse Management 32(5): 14-15.

Cloyd, R. May 2012. Pest management in greenhouses: a historical and current perspective. GrowerTalks 76(1): 68-69.

Cloyd, R. March 2012. Pesticide-resistant pests: can they become susceptible again? GrowerTalks 75(11): 64-65.

Cloyd, R. A., and J. D. Gillespie. April 2012. Enhancing insecticides with sugar-based compounds.

Greenhouse Product News 22(4): 22-30.

Cloyd, R. March 2012. The impact of insect feeding. American Vegetable Grower 60(3): 44-45.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2012. Biopesticides: are they immune to resistance? Greenhouse Grower 30(2): 22-28.

Cloyd, R. February 2012. Combating caterpillars. Greenhouse Management 32(2): 22-25.

Cloyd, R. Winter 2012. Pesticide mixtures. The Cut Flower Quarterly 24(1): 59-60.

Cloyd, R. November/December 2011. Effect of silicon-based fertilizer applications on reproduction and

development of arthropod pests associated with horticultural crops. Ohio Florists’ Association Bulletin 930: 22-23.

Cloyd, R. November 2011. What to consider when mixing pesticides. Greenhouse Management 31(11):


Cloyd, R. A. September 2011. Twospotted spider mite and resistance. Australian Flower Industry 32: 30-31.

Cloyd, R. July/August 2011. Mealybug management in greenhouses & interiorscapes. Ohio Florists’

Association Bulletin 928: 19-22.

Cloyd, R. A., K. A. Marley, R. A. Larson, and B. Arieli. July 2011. Repelling fungus gnats with dryer

sheets. Greenhouse Product News 21(7): 62-68.

Cloyd, R. July 2011. Watch out for spider mites. Greenhouse Management 31(7): 86-87.

Cloyd, R. June 2011. Identification & control of tomato russet mite. Garden and Greenhouse 9(5): 32.

Cloyd, R. A. May/June 2011. What rose growers should know about colony collapse disorder. American

Rose 41(3): 68-69.

Cloyd, R. Spring 2011. Pesticide mixtures: a review. Ohio Produce Growers & Marketers Association

Today: 14-17.

Cloyd, R. May/June 2011. Twospotted spider mite management in greenhouses. Ohio Florists’ Association Bulletin 927: 4-7.

Cloyd, R. April 2011. New or unfamiliar pest control materials. Greenhouse Product News 21(4): 12-15.

Cloyd, R. A. April 2011. Chemical crash course: pesticide metabolites. GrowerTalks 74(12): 64-65.

Cloyd, R. A. March 2011. How they eat can hurt them. Australian Flower Industry 26: 36.

Cloyd, R. A. March 2011. Twospotted spider mite and resistance. GrowerTalks 75(3): 96-98.

Cloyd, R. A. March 2011. Be prepared to deal with fungus gnats. Greenhouse Management 31(3): 62-63.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2011. Breaking down pesticide resistance. Greenhouse Grower 29(2): 24-25.

Cloyd, R. A. February 2011. Don’t get broad (mite)-sided. GrowerTalks 74(10): 64-68.

Cloyd, R. January/February 2011. Pesticide mixtures: a review. Ohio Florists’ Association Bulletin 925:


Cloyd, R. A. January/February 2011. How to deal with caterpillar pests using Bacillus thuringiensis spp.

kurstaki. Garden and Greenhouse 9(1): 26-27.

Cloyd, R. January 2011. Bug-Zilla: dealing with hard-to-control pests. Greenhouse Management 31(1): 74-76.