Hagstrum, David

David Hagstrum

Professor, Adjunct

Bio Brief

Responsibility: Stored-product insects. We work on the ecology and behavior of stored product insects relevant to insect pest management. We have done extensive work to develop sampling programs for stored-product insects and to automate insect monitoring using acoustical sensors. In addition, we have developed and validated insect population growth models for forecasting insect infestation levels and pest management needs.


B.A. Biology-Chemistry, California Western University, 1965
Ph.D. Entomology, University of California, Riverside, 1970


  • Insects of Stored Products [ENTOM 805]


Flinn, P.W., D.W. Hagstrum, C.R. Reed and T.W. Phillips. 2007. Stored Grain Advisor Pro: decision support system for insect management in commercial grain elevators. Journal of Stored Products Research 43: 375-383


Arthur, F.H., D.W. Hagstrum, P.W. Flinn, C.R. Reed and T.W. Phillips. 2006. Insect populations in grain residues associated with commercial Kansas grain elevators. Journal of Stored Products Research 42:226-239


Flinn, P. W., D. W. Hagstrum, C. Reed and T. W. Phillips. 2004. Simulation model of rhyzopertha dominica population dynamics in concrete grain bins. Journal of Stored Products Research 40: 39-45.


Flinn, P. W., D. W. Hagstrum, C. Reed and T. W. Phillips. 2003. United states department of agriculture - agricultural research service stored-grain areawide integrated pest management program. Pest Management Science 59: 614-618.