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- Thomas W. Phillips
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Thomas W. PhillipsDonald Wilbur Endowed Professor for Stored Product Protection Waters Hall 25 |
Area(s) of Specialization
Biology and management of pests infesting post-harvest agricultural products; insect chemical ecology.
- B.S. Environmental Biology, Juniata College, 1978
- M.S. Biology, Entomology Concentration, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1981
- Ph.D. Biology, Entomology Concentration, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1984
Edde, P.A., T.W. Phillips, J.B. Robertson, and J.W. Dillwith. 2007. Pheromone output byRhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), as affected by host plant and beetle size. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 100:83-90
Chimire, M.N., and T.W. Phillips. 2007. Suitability of five species of stored-product insects as hosts for development and reproduction of the parasitoid Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 100: 1732-1739
Mahroof, R.M. and T.W. Phillips. 2007. Stable isotopes as markers to investigate host use by Rhyzopertha dominica. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 125: 205-213
Mahroof, R.M. and T.W. Phillips. 2007. Orientation of the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Coleoptera : Anobiidae) to plant-derived volatiles. Journal of Insect Behavior 20:99-115
Flinn, P.W., D.W. Hagstrum, C.R. Reed and T.W. Phillips. 2007. Stored Grain Advisor Pro: decision support system for insect management in commercial grain elevators. Journal of Stored Products Research 43: 375-383
Edde, P.A. and T.W. Phillips. 2006. Potential host affinities for the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica: behavioral responses to host odors and pheromones and reproductive ability on non-grain hosts. Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata 119:255-263.
Edde, P. A., and T. W. Phillips. 2006. Longevity and pheromone output in stored-product Bostrichidae. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 96:547-554.
Edde, P.A. and T.W. Phillips. 2006. Field responses of nontarget species to semiochemicals of stored-product Bostrichidae. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99:175-183.
Nansen, C., T.W. Phillips, P.K. Morton and E.L. Bonjour. 2006. Spatial analysis of pheromone-baited trap captures from controlled releases of male indianmeal moths. Environmental Entomology 35:516-523
Nansen, C., W.G. Meikle and T.W. Phillips. 2006. Ovipositional response of indianmeal moth (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) to size, quality, and number of food patches. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99:253-260
Phillips, T. W. 2006. The Science and Technology of Postharvest Insect Control: Challenges, Accomplishments and Future Directions. Chapter 19, pp. 211-222, In: J. Heaps, ed., Insect Management for Food Storage and Processing, 2nd Ed. Am. Assoc. Cereal Chem.
Edde, P.A., T.W. Phillips, C. Nansen, and M.E. Payton. 2006. Flight activity of the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera : Bostrichidae), in relation to weather. Environmental Entomology 35:616-624
Arthur, F.H., D.W. Hagstrum, P.W. Flinn, C.R. Reed and T.W. Phillips. 2006. Insect populations in grain residues associated with commercial Kansas grain elevators. Journal of Stored Products Research 42:226-239
Mbata, G. N., M. Johnson, T. W. Phillips and M. Payton. 2005. Mortality of life stages of the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculaturs (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), exposed to low pressure at different temperatures. Journal of Economic Entomology 98: 1070-1075.
Edde, P. A., T. W. Phillips, and M. D. Toews. 2005. Responses of Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) to its aggregation pheromones as influenced by trap design, trap height and habitat. Environmental Entomology 34: 1549-1557.
Toews, M. D., T. W. Phillips and M. E. Payton. 2005. Estimating populations of grain beetles using probe traps in wheat-filled concrete silos. Environmental Entomology 34:712-718.
Nansen, C., E. L. Bonjour, M. W. Gates, T. W. Phillips, G. W. Cuperus and M. E. Payton. 2004. Model of cryptolestes ferrugineus flight activity outside commercial steel grain bins in central oklahoma. Environmental Entomology 33(2): 426-434
Nansen, C., T. W. Phillips, M. N. Parajulee and R. A. Franqui. 2004. Comparison of direct and indirect sampling procedures for Plodia interpunctella in a maize storage facility. Journal of Stored Product Research 40: 151-168.
Nansen, C., T. W. Phillips and M. W. Palmer. 2004. Analysis of the insect community in a stored maize facility. Ecological Research 19: 197-207.
Nansen, C., E. L. Bonjour, M. W. Gates, T. W. Phillips, G. W. Cuperus and M. E. Payton. 2004. Model of Cryptolestes ferrugineus flight activity outside commercial steel grain bins in central Oklahoma. Environmental Entomology 33: 426-434.
Nansen, C. and T. W. Phillips. 2004. Attractancy and toxicity of an attracticide for the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 97: 703-710.
Nansen, C., T. W. Phillips and S. Sanders. 2004. The effect of height and adjacent surfaces on captures of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in pheromone-baited traps. Journal of Economic Entomology 97: 1284-1290.
Nansen, C., E. L. Bonjour, T. W. Phillips, E. L. Vela-Coiffier, and M. W. Gates. 2004. Time-delayed relationship between flight activity outside grain bins and probe trap catches inside grain bins of Cryptolestes ferrugineus. Environmental Entomology 33: 1465-1470.
Thoms, E. and T. W. Phillips. 2004. Chapter 20. Fumigation. Pp. 1165-1261, In: Hedges, S. ed. Mallis Handbook of Pest Control, 9th edition. Mallis Publishing Co.
Mbata, G. N., T. W. Phillips and M. Payton 2004. Mortality of eggs of stored-product insects held under vacuum: Effects of pressure, temperature, and exposure time. Journal of Economic Entomology 97: 695-702.
Flinn, P. W., D. W. Hagstrum, C. Reed and T. W. Phillips. 2004. Simulation model of rhyzopertha dominica population dynamics in concrete grain bins. Journal of Stored Products Research 40: 39-45.
Nansen, C., J. F. Campbell, T. W. Phillips and M. A. Mullen. 2003. The impact of spatial structure on the accuracy of contour maps of small data sets. Journal of Economic Entomology 96: 1617-1625.
Arthur, F. H. and T. W. Phillips. 2003. Stored-product insect pest management and control. pp. 341-348. In Food Plant Sanitation, Y. H. Yui, B. L. Bruinsma, J. R. Gorhap W. Nip, P. S. tong, and P. Ventresca [Eds.], Marcel Dekker, New York, NY.
Flinn, P. W., D. W. Hagstrum, C. Reed and T. W. Phillips. 2003. United states department of agriculture - agricultural research service stored-grain areawide integrated pest management program. Pest Management Science 59: 614-618.
Nansen, C. and T. W. Phillips. 2003. Ovipositional responses of the indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (hubner) (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) to oils. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 96: 524-531.
Toews, M. D., T. W. Phillips and D. Shuman. 2003. Electronic and manual monitoring of Cryptolestes ferrugineus (coleoptera : Laemophloeidae) in stored wheat. Journal of Stored Products Research 39: 541-554.
Toews, M. D. and T. W. Phillips. 2002. Factors affecting capture of Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Coleoptera : Laemophloeidae) in traps placed in stored wheat. Journal of Economic Entomology 95: 200-207.
Mbata, G. N. and T. W. Phillips. 2001. Effects of temperature and exposure time on mortality of stored-product insects exposed to low pressure. Journal of Economic Entomology 94: 1302-1307.
Toews, M.D., G.W. Cuperus and T.W. Phillips. 2001. Effects of wheat cultivar and temperatue on suppression of Rhyzopertha dominica by the parasitoid Theocolax elegans. Biological Control 21: 120-127
Donnelly, B. E. and T. W. Phillips. 2001. Functional response of Xylocoris flavipes (hemiptera : Anthocoridae): Effects of prey species and habitat. Environmental Entomology 30: 617-624.
Throne, J. E., M. N. Parajulee and T. W. Phillips. 2000. Computer model for simulating population dynamics of the predator Lyctocoris campestris (heteroptera : Anthocoridae) in stored shelled corn. Environmental Entomology 29: 1236-1243.
Toews, M.D., G.W. Cuperus and T.W. Phillips. 2000. Susceptibility of eight U.S. wheat cultivars to infestation by Rhyzopertha dominica (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Environmental Entomology 29:250-255
Phillips, T. W. and G. N. Lanier. 2000. Host specificity in Pissodes strobi (coleoptera : Curculionidae): Roles of geography, genetics, and behavior. Canadian Entomologist 132: 811-823.
Doud, C. W. and T. W. Phillips. 2000. Activity of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) in and around flour mills. Journal of Economic Entomology 93:1842-1847.
Andreev, D., M. Kreitman, T. W. Phillips, R. W. Beeman and R. H. ffrench-Constant. 1999. Multiple origins of cyclodiene insecticide resistance in Tribolium castaneum (coleoptera : Tenebrionidae). Journal of Molecular Evolution 48:615-624.
Landolt, P. J. and T. W. Phillips. 1997. Host plant influences on sex pheromone behavior of phytophagous insects. Annual Review of Entomology42:371-391.
Prokopy, R. J., T. W. Phillips, R. I. Vargas and E. B. Jang. 1997. Defining sources of coffee plant odor attractive to ceratitis capitata flies. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23:1577-1587.
Phillips, T. W. 1997. Semiochemicals of stored-product insects: Research and applications. Journal of Stored Products Research 33:17-30.
Hidayat, P., T. W. Phillips and R. H. FfrenchConstant. 1996. Molecular and morphological characters discriminate Sitophilus oryzae and S. zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and confirm reproductive isolation. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 89:645-652.
Yan, G. Y. and T. W. Phillips. 1996. Influence of tapeworm infection on the production of aggregation pheromone and defensive compounds in Tribolium castaneum. Journal of Parasitology 82:1037-1039.
Phillips, T. W., J. K. Phillips, F. X. Webster, R. Tang and W. E. Burkholder. 1996. Identification of sex pheromones from cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus, and related studies with C. analis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology 22:2233-2249.
Books and Book Chapters
Hagstrum, D. W., P. W. Flinn, C. R. Reed and T. W. Phillips. 2008. Chapter 12. Stored-grain Insect Areawide Pest Management. In: Koul, O, G. Cuperus and M. Elliot, eds., Areawide Pest Management: Theory and Implementation. CAB International.
Phillips, T. W. 2010. Chapter 12, pp. 169-178, Storage Practices. In: Peairs, F. B., ed., Wheat Production and Pest management for the Great Plains Region. Colorado State University Extension.
Phillips, T. W. 2012. Biologically based stored product insect pest management. pp. 239-251. In: Opender Koul, G. S. Dhaliwal, S. Khokhar and Ram Singh (eds.), Biopesticides in Environmental and Food Security. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India.
Edde. P. A., M. Eaton, S. A. Kells and T. W. Phillips. 2012. Chapter 5. Biology, Behavior and Ecology of Pests in Other Durable Commodities. pp. 45-61, In: Hagstrum, D. W., T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus (Eds.). Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS.
Hagstrum, D. W., T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus 2012. Chapter 1. Introduction, pp. 1-5, In: Hagstrum, D. W., T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus (Eds.). In: Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS.
Hagstrum, D. W., T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus (Eds.) 2012. Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University. KSRE Publ. S-156. Manhattan, KS. 352 p.
Phillips, T. W., E.M. Thoms, J. DeMark and S. Walse. 2012. Chapter 14. Fumigation. pp. 157-177. In: Hagstrum, D. W., T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus (Eds.). Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS.