Alfalfa Insects

Cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora.

Alfalfa Pests>Cowpea Aphids

Cowpea aphid nymphs.


Infested bud with adults and nymphs

These dark-colored aphids generally feed near the tips of infested stems and have been reported from several Kansas alfalfa fields since 1999.

Damage is similar to that caused by the pea aphid, and thresholds are likely to be comparable. Our data on insecticide efficacy for cowpea aphid control in Kansas is limited.

Please see KSRE publication MF2685 for more detailed information on the cowpea aphid in Kansas.

Please refer to the most recent Alfalfa Insect Management Guide for control options.

Page last updated by J.P. Michaud 10/3/2013.