Cotton Insects

Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus lineolaris.


Adult tarnished plant bug.


Tarnished plant bug nymph. Note diagnostic black spot pattern.


Square damaged by tarnished plant bug feeding.

Tarnished plant bugs, a.k.a. lygus bugs, are another potential problem for Kansas cotton growers. Many other crops can be a source of plant bugs. Alfalfa is an especially good host plant and large numbers may migrate from fields after cuttings. They occur about the same time as fleahoppers and cause similar damage, however they are bigger and can cause damage to larger bolls later in the season. Although such bolls may not abscise, they will not open properly. Some references indicate that one plant bug equals about 3 fleahoppers. Many of the insecticides listed for fleahoppers also are labeled for tarnished plant bugs.

Please refer to the most recent Cotton Insect Management Guide for material rates and control options.

Page last updated 10/31/2013 by J.P. Michaud.