Schendel-Mages Entomology Scholarship

(~$400-1,000 Scholarship)

This award was established to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Schendel Pest Services Company (of Topeka, Kansas) in 2008. The kindness and generosity of Schendel Pest Services and friends in supporting the growth of our students is greatly appreciated!

This award is open to any undergraduate student in the KSU Department of Entomology who is a resident of Kansas or Missouri, and has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. The Undergraduate Program Director in coordination with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs will determine awardees based on merit and in accordance with the guidelines supplied by the KSU Foundation.

Scholarship Winners

Year Winner Advisor(s) Amount
2024 Edward Bird $675
2023 Jaden Montgomery $750
2022 Victoria Pickens Cassandra Olds $500
2021 Grant Brooke $400
2020 Nicholas VanPelt Undergrad minor $800
2019 Not awarded
2018 Matt Hamblin Undergrad minor $1,000
2017 Anastasia Cooper Kun Yan Zhu $1,000
2016 Nathan Tolle Undergrad minor $400
2015 Not awarded
2014 Not awarded
2013 Not awarded