Get Involved
Leadership Opportunities
Students have many opportunities to build leadership skill and serve the community. Student can involve with the departmental student organization Popenoe Entomology Club or serve the various department committee such as Academic Affairs Committee, Awards Committee, planning committee, Public Relation Committee, Seminar Committee and DEI working group. There are also many other organizations to share and learn new ideas or skills to hone student leadership experience.
Volunteering Opportunities
Students have many opportunities to volunteer and give back to the society. Student can involve in various outreach events like open house, activities carnivals, flint hill festival, FFA CDE events organized by Popenoe Entomology Club and department of entomology and other student organizations.
Undergrad Research Experiences
Department of Entomology offers a variety of exciting and fulfilling opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in research and extension activities. Graduate Students have the opportunities to mentor the undergraduate student and share their research skill with each other’s.
Professional development
Students could participate in professional development workshops/seminars organized by Graduate student club (GSC)