False Cinch Bug

Nysius raphanus

False chinchbugs

False chinch bugs. (Whitney Cranshaw).

False chinch bugs

False chinch bugs up close.
(Adam Varenhorst).

False chinch bugs are small (1/8 - 1/6 inches long), slender bugs with grayish to brownish coloration. Although it is only an occasional pest of canola, large aggregations can cause leaves to wilt and die back, and serious damage can occur at flowering and early pod fill. Hot dry weather in summer can cause these bugs to abandon their wild host plants (various mustards) and move into canola in large numbers. The economic threshold is considered to be an average of 5-10 false chinch bugs per flowering raceme, and 10-20 per raceme during early pod set. However, keep in mind that aggregations are typically localized within fields and may spontaneously disappear as quickly as they formed.

Page created by J.P. Michaud, 5/1/2024.