Southern Corn Leaf Beetle

Myochorus denticollis


Adult southern corn leaf beetle.


Damage by southern corn leaf beetle.

Adult beetles are 3/16- to 1/5-inch long and drab in color, grayish to brownish, and may be covered with soil particles. In 1997 and 1998, this little-known beetle destroyed large areas of corn in northeastern Kansas. Before these reports, the insect had not been found damaging corn in Kansas for more than 80 years, so it can be considered a very occasional resurgent pest. Adults fall readily to the ground when disturbed and feeding damage resembles that of cutworms. Healthy stands can disappear in a few days when large numbers of beetles descend on a field. Seed treatment with neronicotinoid insecticides such as clothianidin (Poncho), imidacloprid (numerous products), and thimethoxam (Cruiser) are labeled for this pest.

Please refer to the most recent version of the Corn Insect Management Guide for treatment options.

Page last updated 4/2/2024 by J.P. Michaud.