Brown Wheat Mite

Petrobia latens

The brown wheat mite, Petrobia latens (Müller), is a common pest of dryland wheat in western Kansas that can be a problem as far east as Manhattan in dry years. It feeds on individual plant cells, causing a stippling pattern on the leaves that is not easily noticeable in early stages. Brown wheat mites have a tendency to feed on the tips of the leaves, causing them to dry out and die. Heavily infested fields present a scorched, withered appearance.


Brown wheat mite damage to wheat.

Brown Wheat Mites on Leaf

Brown wheat mites on leaf.

Close-up of Brown Wheat Mite
Close-up of brown wheat mite.

Close-up of two types of Brown Wheat Mite eggs

Close-up of two types of brown wheat mite eggs (winter and summer).

Please refer to the most recent Wheat Insect Management Guide for control options.

Page last updated 06/06/2024 by J.P. Michaud.