Sorghum Insects

Seedcorn Beetle, Agonoderus lecontei.

Sorghum>Seedcorn beetle

The seedcorn beetle is a small, brown beetle about Ā¼ inch long with dark patches on each wing cover. Overwintered adults emerge in spring to lay eggs in the soil and damage germinating seeds by chewing out the endosperm. Problems are worse in heavy, moist soils with reduced tillage and under any conditions that delay germination. Avoid planting in cool, wet weather. Check five sites in a field, pulling up unhealthy plants and examining the seed in areas where seed did not germinate. Replanting may be necessary if such areas are extensive. Although not specifically mentioned on labels, seed treatments should provide some control of this pest.

Page last updated 10/30/2013 by J.P. Michaud.