Scholarships and Student Awards in Entomology

Undergraduate Student Scholarships

The departmental Awards Committee is pleased to announce that the following scholarships are available to Graduate Students in the Department of Entomology at KSU. Undergraduate student scholarships are merit-based (GPA). The evaluation process is in coordination with the Department of Entomology's Director of Undergraduate Programs and the College of Agriculture's Associate Dean for Academic Programs. Please contact Dr. Jeremy Marshall with questions or eligibility.


Award Category Award Range $

O.W. "Spide" Morris

Outstanding student within the first year of their Master's program $400-800
Floyd Holmes Outstanding student who is focused on applied research to address practical problems $1,500-7,000
Fred Clute Outstanding student with a specific interest or research project in IPM $1,000-3,000
Schendel-Mages Entomological Scholarship Outstanding Undergraduate Minor or graduate student in Entomology. Must be a resident of Kansas or Missouri and a minimum GPA of 3.0 is required $400-1,000